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Sling - Ocean Blue

Sling - Ocean Blue

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Width : 54"

Repeat (Vertical and Horizontal): N/A

Use/Application: Sling fabric for outdoor furniture

Material Specifications
- Composition: PVC & Olefin Blends (Textilene)​
- Weight: 953 g/m²​
- Construction: Woven Mesh
Performance Characteristics
- Tear Strength (DIN 53363:2003)​
 X Direction: 24.9 daN
 Y Direction: 42.6 daN
- Tensile Strength (EN ISO 1421:1998)​
 X Direction: 173 daN/5cm
 Y Direction: 299 daN/5cm
- Elongation at 20daN (ISO 1421:1998)​
 X Direction: 0.8%
 Y Direction: 1.8%


- Abrasion Resistance (ISO 12947-2:2016, 40,000 cycles)​
 No damage after 40,000 cycles
- UV Resistance (ISO 105-B02:2014, Xenon Arc Lamp, 500 Hours)​
 Color Fastness: Grade 4-5 (Good Resistance)
- UV Resistance (Blue Wool Scale 6, ISO 105-B02:2014)​
 Minimum Grade 6
- Mildew Resistance (ASTM G21-2015)​
o Rating: 2 (Light Growth, 10-30% Coverage)

Safety & Compliance

- Fire Resistance (EN 1021-1 & EN 1021-2)​
 Non-ignition for both smoldering cigarette & match flame tests
- Chemical Compliance (California Proposition 65)​
 Free from regulated phthalates (DBP, BBP, DEHP, DINP, DNOP, DIDP, DnHP)

Care & Maintenance
- Wash with mild soap and water
- Do not use harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaning tools
- Air dry after cleaning



Note: For comprehensive details such as fabric width, pattern repeat, and material content, please contact GB Outdoor Furniture at SALES@GBFURNISHINGS.COM.

